HC Deb 23 March 1914 vol 60 cc9-10

asked the President of the Board of Agriculture whether the recent reduction of 200 per cent. in the price charged by the Government for cottage sites in the Forest of Dean is limited to local authorities and public utility societies, and is not available to colliers and other would-be private purchasers; and, if so, at what price, if at all, can land in the forest be purchased by individuals for such purpose?


I do not quite understand what the hon. Member means by a reduction of 200 per cent, in the price charged by the Crown for cottage sites in the Forest of Dean, but I have in certain cases offered large sites at a low price to local authorities, and am willing to make similar offers in suitable cases to public utility societies, provided the Crown retains the right to approve of the manner in which the land is to be laid out, including the number of cottages to the acre and the plans and specifications of the buildings. I am not prepared to offer land at the same low price to private individuals generally, and to leave them to build as they like. I may add that the price of £47 to £60 an acre at which I have offered this land to local authorities is for land in the same districts as that for which private land-owners have asked and obtained three or four times that price.


If the Board approve of plans of cottages proposed to be erected by colliers, why will he not allow the colliers to obtain the land on as favourable terms as the district councils?


It is very much better that any planning under the Town Planning Act or any new distribution of cottages in the Forest of Dean should be conducted either by local authorities or by public utility societies, and it was for them I obtained the consent of the Treasury to sell this land at this low price.


I beg to give notice that I shall call attention to this matter on the Vote for the Office of Woods and Forests.


asked who has been appointed to succeed Mr. V. F. Leese as deputy-surveyor of the Forest of Dean?


I am not prepared at present to make any announcement on the subject referred to in the hon. Member's question.