§ 36. Mr. DOUGLAS HALLasked the First Lord of the Admiralty if the date for the coming naval mobilisation and review by His Majesty at Spithead is definitely fixed for 18th July; what is the number and description of each class of vessel which will be assembled there for review; if any provision is contemplated whereby Members of both Houses of Parliament 19 can be present at this review as in former years; if he will place in the Tea Room a chart showing the position of the ships; if he will state if the regulations which yachts, passenger vessels, and other merchant ships will have to obey during the review have yet been issued; and, if not, how soon they will be available?
§ Mr. CHURCHILLThe bulk of the mobolised Fleet will be assembled at Spit-head by the 18th July, and will not leave until the 20th July. His Majesty the King will be with the Fleet during this week-end, but there will be no formal review. The numbers of ships of various classes which are expected to be present are as follows:—
In addition to minelayers, minesweeping gunboats, repair ships, and depot ships for torpedo craft. The possibility of giving an opportunity to Members of both Houses of Parliament to visit the assembled Fleet on the 18th July is being considered. A notice to mariners has been issued, containing the regulations for private vessels and a small plan of the anchorage. A larger chart will be issued in about a week's time, and I shall be happy to arrange for a copy to be placed in the Tea Booms.
Battleships 55 Battle cruisers 4 Cruisers 27 Light cruisers 28 Destroyers 78
§ Mr. DOUGLAS HALLCan the right hon. Gentleman say when the Members of both Houses of Parliament will know what accommodation is to be at their disposal on board the vessels?
§ Mr. CHURCHILLI should hope in the course of the present week.