HC Deb 30 July 1914 vol 65 cc1535-6

asked the Chief Secretary on what ground an old age pension has not been granted to Johanna Fitzpatrick, Dungegan, Ballinskelligs, county Kerry, although the local committee which investigated her case were convinced that she had attained the statutory age; whether the local pension officer has been upheld in his contention that she has no right to the Christian name of Johanna because a family of the same name has been found in the Census Returns in which there happens to be the record of a girl whose Christian name was Julia; and whether he will have further inquiry made into the matter?


Johanna Fitzpatrick's last claim was disallowed in February, 1913, on the ground that there was no evidence that she was seventy years of age. It is not a fact that the pension officer contended that she had no right to the name of Johanna. In the record of her parents' family in the 1851 Census there is shown a child—Julia, aged six years, who, it would appear, is the claimant Johanna, the name Julia having been registered in error. If this is not the case, then the claimant has no evidence whatever of age. As the case has been decided, the Local Government Board have no power to re-open it.


What evidence can be forthcoming that this name of Johanna was registered in mistake for Julia?


Of course, I do not know. I will look into the matter afresh.