HC Deb 29 July 1914 vol 65 cc1316-7
19 and 20. Sir RICHARD COOPER

asked the hon. Member for St. George's in-the-East, as representing the Insurance Commissioners, (1) whether the Commissioners have approved the maternity benefit claim form adopted by certain approved societies, on which the doctor or midwife who attended the case is required to certify the accuracy of the information given by the person claiming the benefit, and the bona fides of the claim; whether, in view of the fact that medical practitioners and midwives are not as a rule in a position to give this certificate, several insured persons have been unable to obtain the benefit they claim; and if it is proposed to prepare and cause to be adopted by all approved societies a common form of maternity benefit claim to which objection cannot be taken; and (2) whether he is aware that the National Amalgamated Approved Society has refused to pay the maternity benefit claim of Frederick W. Robinson, of 74, Linden Crescent, Folkestone, in respect of a confinement which took place on the 8th of December, 1913, on the ground that the doctor in attendance has refused to give a certificate of the bona fides of the claim and the accuracy of the information given by the claimant, as these are matters beyond his knowledge, and instead has given a certificate to the effect that he attended the confinement, which the society has refused to accept; whether he can take any steps to ascertain if the claimant is entitled to the benefit; and, if so, if he will direct that it be paid?

Mr WEDGWOOD BENN (Lord of the Treasury)

A model form for maternity claims has been issued, but the Commissioners have no power to require its adoption. In the case referred to the claim has now been paid, and the form in question is under revision.


Is it not the fact that doctors and midwives are required to vouchsafe information of which they cannot possibly have any knowledge?


In the case of the form to which the hon. Baronet refers that is so, but that form is being revised.


asked whether the auditors of the Insurance Commissioners require a certificate of marriage to be produced in the case of every claim for maternity benefit; and, if so, whether, seeing that the model rules of an approved society as provided for by the Insurance Act, and approved by the Com missioners, state that a society may, if it so requires but not otherwise, demand the production of such certificate, the Com missioners will dispense with the production of such certificate when the society's officials deem it to be unnecessary?


I would refer the hon. Member to the reply given on the 25th June to the hon. Member for the Gorton Division.