HC Deb 29 July 1914 vol 65 cc1490-1

(1) This Part of this Act shall not, nor shall any certificate of naturalisation granted thereunder, have effect within any of the Dominions specified in the First Schedule to this Act, unless the Legislature of that Dominion adopts this Part of this Act.

(2) Where the Legislature of any such Dominion has adopted this Part of this Act, the Government of the Dominion shall have the like powers to make regulations with respect to certificates of naturalisation and to oaths of allegiance as are conferred by this Act on the Secretary of State.

(3) The Legislature of any such Dominion which adopts this Part of this Act may provide how and by what Department of the Government the powers conferred by this Part of this Act on the Government of a British Possession are to be exercised.

(4) The Legislature of any such Dominion may at any time rescind the adoption of this Part of this Act, provided that no such rescission shall prejudicially affect any legal rights existing at the time of such rescission.


I beg to move, in Subsection (4), to leave out the words The Legislature of any such Dominion may at any time rescind the adoption of this Part of this Act, provided that and to insert instead thereof the words In the event of the Legislature of any such Dominion at any time rescinding the adoption of this Part of this Act. I think it might save time if the right hon. Gentleman would accept this. I am surprised that hon. Members laugh because it is a perfectly reasonable Amendment. It is really to remove verbiage. The object of the Amendment is that whereas in the original draft words have been introduced which seem to indicate that it is within the power of this Parliament to permit the Parliament of a Dominion to make a law or alter the law and that that alteration shall be made solely by the permission of this Parliament, and whereas such an effect is not intended even by the Secretary of State himself I have adopted a form of words which carries out the whole intention of this Sub-section of the Clause and which yet avoids that kind of invidious reference to the Dominions. I think there could only be three reasons for inserting language such as appears in the original draft. One of these is carelessness, the second is want of knowledge, and the third would be malice prepense. I do not know which of these is actuating the Secretary of State in that unwillingness which he seems to evince to accept my very reasonable Amendment.


I beg to second the Amendment.


In Sub-section (2) of this Clause 9 various results follow upon the adoption of this part of the Act by the self-governing Dominions. It was feared by some of those Dominions that the words of that Clause might seem to prohibit them from subsequently rescinding anything they had adopted of their own free choice. This was inserted at the request of some of the Dominions to make it clear that they had power to rescind. It has been submitted to all the Dominions. Not one has taken objection, and several of them have requested its insertion. That is the sole ground on which it is here, and on that ground I hope it will be retained.