HC Deb 15 July 1914 vol 64 c1900
19. Mr. BRADY

asked the First Lord of the Admiralty if he is aware that, on Wednesday, 8th July last, Mr. Lawrence J. Kettle, an electrical engineer in the employ of the corporation of Dublin, when driving home in his motor car from the electric power station in the city of Dublin, was stopped by some Coastguards, and that the Coastguards proceeded to search Mr. Kettle's car for guns or ammunition; and will he say whether this was done under the authority of the Admiralty


I understand that some vehicles—of which Mr. Kettle's motor car was one—coming from the end of Pigeon House Wall were searched by the Coastguard in consequence of a report that some arms had been landed at that place. In so doing the Coastguard were acting in accordance with the duty laid upon them by the Customs laws, and no authorisation from the Admiralty was needed.


Am I to understand that it is only in the Southern provinces of Ireland that the law in reference to the importation of arms is to be enforced, and that guns can be imported into Larne and other ports of Ulster without let or hindrance by coastguards or any other guards?


I can only say that it will always be the duty of, and it ought to be a point of honour with, every person serving under the Crown in any official capacity, to do his utmost to maintain the law of the land impartially in all directions.


Does that sentiment apply to Privy Councillors also?