HC Deb 15 July 1914 vol 64 cc1924-5

asked the President of the Local Government Board if his attention has been called to the case of a man named John E. Hoare, who on the action of the South Manchester board of guardians was ordered by the magistrates at the Manchester City Police Court to pay 3s. 6d. per week towards the maintenance of his mother; whether he is aware that the woman's husband has an income of 43s. a week, and has no other dependants other than his wife towards whose maintenance he contributes 7s. per week, the son having a wife and three children to keep out of an income of 43s. per week; whether he is aware that, as the result of Hoare refusing to pay the 3s. 6d. per week, the magistrates have made an order to commit him to prison; and whether, with the object of preventing this, he will communicate with the guardians advising them not to enforce the order on the son, but to compel the husband to support his wife, which he is well able to do?


The hon. Member has drawn my attention to this case. It rests with the guardians in the first instance, or with the justices if the case is taken before them, to decide whether a person who is legally liable for the support of a relative should be called upon to contribute to the cost of his maintenance when chargeable to the poor rate. I have no authority to review the action of the justices. I will, however, send a copy of the hon. Member's question to the guardians.