HC Deb 14 July 1914 vol 64 cc1703-4
44. Mr. TOUCHE

asked the Home Secretary if he is aware that the statement that the Metropolitan Police officers who were sent to South Wales during the Tonypandy troubles in November, 1910, and February, 1911, received the whole of the allowance due to them does not accord with the views of the men concerned; and will he say whether he proposes to take any further steps to clear up the discrepancy of view so as to remove any feeling on the part of the men that their case has not received the consideration it deserves and that they have been unjustly treated?


The Commissioner informs me that he has received no such representation from the men concerned. A constable sent for duty outside the Metropolitan Police district is ordinarily entitled to subsistence allowance and lodging allowance, if food and lodging are not provided. On this occasion the men were provided with ample food, so that there was no question of their drawing the subsistence allowance. They were also provided with lodging, but as the lodgings were indifferent, special authority was obtained for payment of the lodging allowance. The Commissioner felt, however, that the arduous and often dangerous duty which the men were called upon to perform demanded some special recognition, and with my predecessor's approval further special allowances were given to all ranks. In addition to his ordinary pay, every constable accordingly received allowances amounting to 49s. a week for the first ten days, and during the rest of the strike allowances of 35s. a week, besides free food and lodging.


Are we to understand that the right hon. Gentleman is going to receive representations?


There is a subsequent question down.

Sir J. D. REES

If similar circumstances arise, will the Metropolitan Police be sent to perform similar duties again?


I must wait until the occasion arises.

66. Mr. TOUCHE

asked the Secretary of State for the Home Department whether the Metropolitan Police authorities have had any controversy with the Glamorganshire authorities with reference to the cost of sending Metropolitan Police officers to do strike duty in the Tonypandy district; and if the Glamorganshire authorities have disputed the claim of the Scotland Yard authorities; and will he say if this circumstance has any bearing on the failure to satisfy the police officers who submitted to hardships on the understanding that they were to receive a special allowance?


The difficulty with the Glamorganshire County Council in regard to the payment of the cost of the Metropolitan Police employed in no way affected the settlement of the legitimate claims of the officers concerned, which were met out of moneys voted by Parliament. If any officer who has not received the special allowance and all other sums due to him will make application to the Commissioner, the matter shall at once be inquired into; but it is believed that every officer concerned was paid some years ago.