HC Deb 14 July 1914 vol 64 c1701
59. Mr. AMERY

asked the Secretary for War whether the rule limiting the total number of re-engaged men to 10 per cent. of the strength of units is still in force; and, if not, from what date has it been discontinued?


The regulation on the subject has not been altered, but I would refer the hon. Gentleman to the answer I gave on this subject to the hon. Member for the Tavistock Division on the 19th May.


Can the right hon. Gentleman say whether it is not the fact that many men who were informed on enlistment that they could re-engage have been excluded by virtue of this rule; and whether it is good for recruiting that the legitimate expectations of the men should be disappointed in that way?


I do not think it is the case that many men have been disappointed, because in very few units have the number applying come up to 10 per cent.