§ 83. Mr. J. P. FARRELLasked the Chief Secretary for Ireland by whose directions and by what authority Sergeant Morgan, of the Royal Irish Constabulary station at Lisryan, county Longford, proceeds with a file of his men to Coolarty, outside his district, to attend the drill practices of the Coolarty National Volunteer Corps; whether the sergeant takes this action by direction of the Government or of the local police officer; and whether the practice will now be discontinued?
§ Mr. T. W. RUSSELL (Vice-President of Department of Agriculture, Ireland)I am informed by the police that a patrol of two men from Lisryan Station visit Coolarty which is in the district and where these drills take place. This is done in the ordinary course of duty, and there is nothing exceptional in this action of the police.
§ Mr. FARRELLThe right hon. Gentleman has not said whether this was done on the authority of the Government or on the authority of the officer himself?
§ Mr. RUSSELLIt is a part of ordinary police duty.