HC Deb 13 July 1914 vol 64 cc1505-6

asked the Prime Minister if, for the domestic convenience of Members of this House and their families, he will now state whether the House is likely to be still sitting on 15th August or, alternatively, on 31st August?


I will make a statement on this subject in reply to Question No. 59.

54. Mr. GEORGE FABER had given notice to ask the Prime Minister whether, in view of the fact that there are now only one and a half days before the 5th August which are not already ascribed by the Government to necessary Parliamentary business in this House, he will say if the Government of Ireland (Amendment) Bill will be entered upon in this House before or after that date?

I understand that a question will be put later to the Prime Minister by the Leader of the Opposition on this matter, and therefore I do not now propose to put this question.

59 and 60. Lord ROBERT CECIL

asked the Prime Minister (1) whether the Government proposes to ask the House to sit in the autumn; and (2) when he proposes to lay before the House his proposals for the reform of the Second Chamber?


It is the intention of the Government to ask the House, in addition to the necessary financial business and to the passing of measures of such a character that they can be disposed of in accordance with practice after eleven o'clock or on Fridays, in which category I hope the Housing Bill may be included, to deal before the prorogation with the Irish Amending Bill, the Indian Budget, and the House of Lords Resolutions. They will advise that a new Session should begin in the early winter; I am unable at present to name a more exact date; so that the provisions of the Revenue Bill (for Valuation and Allocation of Grants), which the Government regard as essential, should be carried in time for the Grants to the local authorities to be included in the Estimates for the next financial year. I will make a fuller statement as to the course of business on Friday, when we shall move the suspension of the Eleven o'Clock Rule.


Can the Prime Minister give any indication as to when he anticipates this Session will end?


I hope some time in August.


Can the right hon. Gentleman not go any nearer to it than that? Can he give the House any reason for adopting a plan which seems to have the disadvantage of prolonging the present Session and having an extra Session in winter?


The length of the present Session all depends en the course which is taken in regard to the Government of Ireland (Amending) Bill. Until we know more about that we cannot possibly indicate the time in August when the House will be up. I hope that it will be up in a reasonable time in August.