HC Deb 09 July 1914 vol 64 c1229
58 and 59. Mr. BENNETT-GOLDNEY

asked the Secretary of State for War (1) if he can now give the numbers for June of officers and of non-commissioned officers and men in the Regular Army, the Special Reserve, and the Territorial Force, respectively; and (2) how many officers, non-commissioned officers, and men, respectively, there are now fewer than the establishments in the different branches of the Regular Army, the Special Reserve, and the Territorial Force?


The regimental strengths of the Regular Army and Special Reserve in officers on 1st June were, respectively, 10,439 and 2,512, and in non-commissioned officers and men, 222,873 and 62,559 respectively. I stated the deficiencies in reply to the hon. and gallant Member for the Bodmin Division on the 23rd ultimo. Figures later than for the 1st June are not yet available. The strength of the Territorial Force in officers on the 1st April was 9,465, and the deficiency 1,768; the strength of non-commissioned officers and men on the same date was 251,838, and the deficiency 49,329. The 1st July figures for the Territorial Force will not be ready for some days.