HC Deb 07 July 1914 vol 64 c877
34. Captain FABER

asked the Postmaster-General whether any increase is to be made in the salary of Miss Lansley, of Weyhill, near Andover, seeing that her hours of work now begin at 5 a.m. instead of 6 a.m., that she has seven postmen under her control instead of three, that her eyesight is giving way from overwork after twenty-two years of being postmistress, and that her salary averages, after paying rent for the post office, to 14s. a week; and whether some £10,000 per year pass through her hands?


Miss Lansley was informed a few days ago that her remuneration would be increased as from the 1st March last by over £6 a year, and the arrears of payment due to her have now been paid. Her net income for post office work is about £65 a year. There is no special pressure of work at the Weyhill office, nor, so far as is known, is the office exceptional in regard to the amount of money passing through the hands of the sub-postmistress.

Captain FABER

Is the right hon. Gentleman aware that the £6 a year increase which he has just granted is taken up in extra rent charged this lady?


No, Sir. I was not aware of that fact?

Captain FABER

Will you inquire into it?