HC Deb 01 July 1914 vol 64 cc351-2

asked the President of the Board of Trade if he is aware that dissatisfaction prevails at Glasgow and in the Clyde district at the manner in which the Labour Exchange officials select men who have registered at a Labour Exchange for employment, in many instances men who have been unemployed for a considerable time having been passed over in favour of men who have been unemployed for a comparatively short period; if he is aware that there is a growing feeling of mistrust in the Labour Exchange officials and their methods; and whether, with the object of removing this feeling, he will give instructions that, so far as possible, men must be sent to jobs in the order their names appear on the unemployed register?


A complaint of the nature referred to in the question has been brought to my notice, but I have no reason to believe that any widespread feeling exists as is suggested by my hon. Friend. It is the guiding principle in the conduct of Labour Exchanges that vacancies should so far as possible be notified to workmen best suited to fill them. I am afraid that any general instruction that men must be sent to jobs in the order their names appear on the unemployed register would result in sending unsuitable workmen to employers, and thus impair the utility of the Labour Exchanges.


Is not the hon. Gentleman aware that the complaint really is that the officials are not qualified?


I think the very nature of the complaint shows that it is exaggerated. In a particular case there might be mismanagement, and in that case I should be glad to receive information from the hon. Member. But to suggest that Labour Exchange officials are in general unqualified is to exaggerate.


Are the names first in order on the register considered first in order for filling up jobs which are available?


No. I have explained that for filling up jobs the names are selected in respect of their special suitability.