HC Deb 26 February 1914 vol 58 c1942
46. Mr. TOUCHE

asked whether, as detentions of arms and ammunition at Irish ports are confined chiefly to goods designed for sporting and other non-military purposes, and having regard to the fact that legitimate trade is being injured, the present restrictions on importation and carriage coastwise of such goods will, in the public interest, be removed?


There are no restrictions on the importation or carriage coastwise of sporting arms and ammunition which are excepted from the prohibitions contained in the Royal Proclamations of the 4th December last. Nor, so far as I am aware, need there be any injury to the legitimate trade in such goods between Great Britain and Ireland if the agents entrusted with their carriage are careful to observe the customs requirements as to entry and clearance before shipment as explained in the public notice issued by the Board of Customs and Excise on the same date. These requirements are necessary in order to ensure enforcement of the Proclamation relating to carriage coastwise, and the Government are not prepared to relax them.


May I ask whether a sporting rifle is exempt?


A sporting rifle?


A rifle used for killing deer.


It would depend upon the customs and what their view of the matter was.