HC Deb 26 February 1914 vol 58 c1932
29. Mr. O'MALLEY

asked the Chief Secretary whether he will institute an inquiry into the action of the police on Sunday, 18th January, at Renvyle, Connemara, in making a baton charge an defenceless people who gave no provocation whatever for the attack made upon them?


The police authorities inform me that on the 18th January a crowd of about 300 persons attempted to hold a meeting near the Curragh Farm, close to the residence of Mrs. Blake. As the meeting was intended to have an intimidatory effect, the police refused to allow it to be held there, and it was found necessary to order a baton charge to disperse the crowd which had attempted to force their way through the police. There is no foundation for the statement that defenceless people who gave no provocation were batoned or attacked.