HC Deb 25 February 1914 vol 58 c1751

asked the Secretary of State for War as regards officers of His Majesty's Army in actual service, or on half-pay, or retired on pension, or with permission to use military rank, whether there are any, and what sort of Army regulations, rules, or station orders in force in Ireland, Egypt, or India permitting or prohibiting them from recruiting or drilling embodied ranks of civilian subjects where no sanction for such assembling of men has been given by the Crown or by the authority responsible to the Crown and Parliament?

Colonel SEELY

The hon. Gentleman will find in the King's Regulations, paragraph 449A, the only standing Army Regulation which restricts the liberty of officers on full pay or half-pay in reference to private associations not recognised by the Army Council as forming part of the Army. This does not apply to officers on retired pay.