§ Sir George Agnew, Mr. Armitage, Mr. Attorney-General, Mr. Allen Baker, Sir Randolf Baker, Mr. Baldwin, Mr. Barlow, Mr. Barnston, Lord Henry Cavendish-Bentinck, Mr. Boland, Mr. Brace, Mr. Brunner, Mr. Burgoyno, Mr. Carr-Gomm, Mr. Cator, Mr. Cecil, Lord Hugh Cecil, Mr. Chancellor, Dr. Chappie, Mr. Clough, Mr. Godfrey Collins, Sir Edwin Cornwall, Mr. Cotton, Mr. Ernest Craig, Mr. Crooks, Mr. Devlin, Mr. Scott Dickson, Mr. John Hugh Edwards,. Mr. Esslemont, Mr. Fell, Mr. Fitzgibbon, Mr. Glazebrook, Mr. Goulding, Mr. Fred Hall (Normanton), Mr. Hamersley, Mr. Herbert, Mr. Edgar Jones, Mr. John, Mr. Kelly, Mr. Knight, Sir Joseph Larmor, Mr. Hugh Law, Sir Maurice Levy, Mr. Herbert Lewis, Mr. MacCaw, Mr. MacVeagh, Mr. Martin, Mr. Chiozza Money, Captain Morrison-Bell, Mr. Needham, Mr. Newdegate, Sir Walter Nugent, Sir George Scott Robertson, Earl of Ronaldshay, Mr. Rothschild, Mr. Runciman, Mr. Harold Smith, Mr. Stanier, Mr. George Thorne, Mr. William Thome, Mr. Touche, Mr. John Ward, Captain Waring, Colonel Weston, Mr. John Wilson, Sir Mathew Wilson, and Viscount Wolmer.