HC Deb 19 February 1914 vol 58 cc1101-3

asked the Chief Secretary for Ireland whether Mrs. Sara Moriarty, of Minard, Dingle, has been recognised as an evicted tenant; and, if so, what steps have been taken by the Estates Commissioners to find her a suitable farm?


I would refer the hon. Member to the reply given to his question on this subject on the 10th April last. The Estates Commissioners are unable, at present, to say when they may be in a position to provide Mrs. Moriarty with a holding.


asked the Chief Secretary for Ireland whether the claim of the Misses Kearney to be recognised as tenants evicted from the lands now held by Mr. Looney, at Ballyard, Tralee, has been investigated by the Estates Commissioners; if so, what decision have they come to in the matter; whether he is aware that Looney stated he paid £150 to the Kearneys, whereas in fact he paid nothing; and if this fact was before the Commissioners when they inquired into the case?


The application of Elizabeth Kearney was not lodged within the period prescribed by the Evicted Tenants Act, and was not, therefore, a case which could be dealt with by the Estates Commissioners under the Act. The holding was sold to John Looney, the tenant in occupation, by the Land Judge in connection with the sale of the estate under Section 40 of the Land Law (Ireland) Act, 1896, over ten years ago. The Commissioners have no information as to what sum, if any, was paid by Looney to the former tenant or his representatives, and have no power to interfere in the matter of Elizabeth Kearney's application for reinstatement.


asked if he could state why the Estates Commissioners have refused to reinstate Thomas Courtney in a holding from which he and his brother were evicted by Lord Rathdonnell at Starraghan, county Fermanagh, in 1885, or to provide him with a new holding, the necessary notices under the Evicted Tenants Act having been served in due time, the circumstances under which the eviction took place being exceptionally harsh, and the present occupier of the evicted holding being willing to surrender it for the purpose of Mr. Courtney's reinstatement on being allowed reasonable compensation; and whether he will ask the Commissioners to re-consider the case of Mr. Courtney, who has a family of eight sons and five daughters to provide for?


No application was received from Thomas Courtney within the period prescribed by the Evicted Tenants Act, 1907. One was received from Henry Courtney, and, after inquiry, and in the exercise of the discretion vested in them, the Estates Commissioners decided not to take any action in the matter, and from this decision they are not prepared to depart.


Will the right hon. Gentleman assign any reason for not reinstating these people evicted in 1885, while other people with less claim are reinstated?


I have often said there is great objection to stating the reasons which animate the discretion of the Estates Commissioners as to putting people on evicted farms or not.


Will the right hon. Gentleman himself take this case into consideration?