HC Deb 17 February 1914 vol 58 cc749-50

asked the Secretary of State for War if he is now prepared to reconsider the matter of the quarterly payment of pensions to ex-soldiers and to substitute a system of weekly or fortnightly payments, in view of the facts which are constantly coming to light as to the results of the quarterly payment system?

Colonel SEELY

As I have explained on previous occasions, special arrangements can be made in individual cases for monthly or weekly payment of pensions. The introduction of a universal weekly or fortnightly payment is open to many objections.


Would it not be possible to do it through the Post Office, the same as old age pensions?

Colonel SEELY

As I have said, it is a complicated matter, and there are many objections to making it universal. But the suggestion of the Noble Lord will be borne in mind.

Captain TRYON

Is the right hon. Gentleman aware that, where private arrangements for weekly payments have been made, the men have been prevented from coming on the rates?

Colonel SEELY

I am glad to know that it has had a good effect, and I hope that the system may be extended in all suitable cases.

Colonel YATE

Will the right hon. Gentleman endeavour to extend it?

Colonel SEELY

I think I have gone as far as it is possible to go, bearing in mind the objections which I have stated in Debate, a copy of which I shall be glad to furnish to the hon. and gallant Member.