HC Deb 16 February 1914 vol 58 c574

asked the Home Secretary whether he authorised Mr. Marshall Hall, K.C., to inform Miss Zelie Emmerson, a witness against the police in a recent case, that Scotland Yard was arranging for her deportation; and whether, as such a statement was calculated to prejudice the jury against the witness, he will make a searching inquiry into the facts of the case so as to prevent any recurrence?


I understand that Mr. Marshall Hall was informed by the solicitor instructing him that on the last occasion when Miss Emmerson was charged with an offence, instructions were given that, in the event of her conviction, the magistrate's attention should be drawn to the fact that she is an alien with a view to his recommending her for expulsion if he thought fit to do so. If any objection were to be taken to Mr. Marshall Hall's question, it should have been taken at the time by the counsel who called Miss Emmerson as a witness, and the chairman could then have dealt with the matter. It is entirely outside my province to inquire into such a matter.