§ 11. Sir GEORGE TOULMINasked the Secretary to the Treasury whether an edition in a handy form can be issued of Correspondence respecting the European crisis (Cd. 7467 and Cd. 7445) to be sold at the price of 1d., and be obtainable at every post office?
§ The FINANCIAL SECRETARY to the TREASURY (Mr. Montagu)Arrangements are being made for the publication of the correspondence in a convenient form at the price of 1d. Steps will be taken to place it on sale at all post offices.
§ Mr. JAMES HOPEMay I ask whether it would not be better to reduce the bulk of the document in order that the salient points may be more easily apprehended?
§ Mr. MONTAGUArrangements are being made to accompany the document with a synopsis.
§ Mr. CHIOZZA MONEYWill the Ambassador's Report also be included?