HC Deb 28 August 1914 vol 66 c282

asked the Chief Secretary for Ireland whether, as a result of the communications which passed between the Local Government Board and the Macroom Rural District Council, any steps have been taken to proceed with the building of cottages sanctioned years ago for the labourers of the locality; and will he detail what provisions are being made by the district council in the matter?

Mr. T. W. RUSSELL (Vice-President of the Department of Agriculture, Ireland)

I would refer the hon. Member to the reply given to his question on this subject on the 30th ultimo. The Macroom Rural District Council have not acted on the suggestions of the Local Government Board, and have merely asked them whether they would grant a supplementary loan if the council accept tenders higher than the estimate of £130 per cottage. The Board are replying to the effect that they will be prepared to sanction such supplemental loan as may be found necessary, but that, as has been done in other districts similarly circumstanced, the money must be borrowed in the open market, the loan already sanctioned being at the maximum rate allowable out of the funds available on land purchase terms.