HC Deb 27 August 1914 vol 66 cc123-6

asked the Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs whether the suggestions for a peace settlement made by the German Ambassador (White Paper, p. 66, item No. 123), together with his invitation to the Foreign Secretary to put forward proposals of his own which would be acceptable as a basis for neutrality, were submitted to and considered by the Cabinet; and, if not, why proposals involving such far-reaching possibilities were thus rejected?


These were personal suggestions made by the Ambassador on 1st August, and without authority, to alter the conditions of neutrality proposed to us by the German Chancellor in No. 85 in the White Paper (Miscellaneous No. 6, 1914).

The Cabinet did, however, consider most carefully the next morning—that is Sunday, 2nd August—the conditions on which we could remain neutral, and came to the conclusion that respect for the neutrality of Belgium must be one of these conditions. The German Chancellor had already been told on 30th July that we could not bargain that away.

On Monday, 3rd August, I made a statement in the House accordingly. I had seen the German Ambassador again at his own request on Monday, and he urged me most strongly, though he said he did not know the plans of the German military authorities, not to make the neutrality of Belgium one of our conditions when I spoke in the House. It was a day of great pressure, for we had another Cabinet in the morning, and I had no time to record the conversation, and it does not therefore appear in the White Paper, but it, was impossible to withdraw that condition without becoming a consenting party to the violation of the Treaty, and subsequently to a German attack on Belgium.

After I spoke in the House we made to the German Government the communication described in No. 153 in the White Paper about the neutrality of Belgium.

Sir Edward Goschen's report of the reply to that communication had not been received when the White Paper was printed and laid. It will be laid before Parliament to complete the White Paper.

I have been asked why I did not refer to No. 123 in the White Paper when I spoke in the House on 3rd August. If I had referred to suggestions to us as to conditions of neutrality, I must have referred to No. 85, the proposals made not personally by the Ambassador but officially by the German Chancellor, which were so condemned by the Prime Minister subsequently, and this would have made the case against the German Government much stronger than I did make it in my speech. I deliberately refrained from doing that then.

Let me add this about personal suggestions made by the German Ambassador, as distinct from communications made on behalf of his Government: He worked for peace; but real authority at Berlin did not rest with him and others like him, and that is one reason, why our efforts for peace failed.


May I ask whether any attempt was made to open up negotiations with the German Government on the basis of the suggestions here set forth by the German Ambassador?


The German Ambassador did not make any basis of suggestions; it was the German Chancellor who made the basis of suggestions. The German Ambassador, speaking on his own personal initiative and without authority, asked whether we would formulate conditions on which we would be neutral. We did go into that question, and the conditions were stated to the House and made known to the German Ambassador.


May I ask whether the German authorities at Berlin repudiated these suggestions of their Ambassador in London, and whether any effort at all was made to find out how far the German Government would have agreed to the suggestions put forward by their own Ambassador?


Before the right hon. Gentleman answers that question may I ask him if Socialists in the Reichstag are asking any questions like this?


The German Ambassador—[HON. MEMBERS: "Do not answer!"]—I should like not to have any misunderstanding did not make to us suggestions different from those which his Government made. The suggestions that his Government made were those in No. 85 in the White Paper. The German Ambassador never suggested to us that Germany would be able to agree to the condition of the neutrality of Belgium. On the contrary, he did suggest to me that we should not put that condition forward because he was afraid his Government would not be able to accept it.


Is my right hon. Friend aware that the hon. Member who has put this question is constantly representing in the country that these proposals were actually made by the German Government to England?


That is one of the reasons why I thought it very desirable to answer very specifically.


As a matter of personal explanation I entirely repudiate the statement just made by the hon. Member behind me.


I have to say, in answer to that personal imputation, that my authority is a letter written by the hon. Member in the "Ardrossan and Saltcoats Herald" on Saturday last. [Cheers.]


Those who cheer have not seen the letter. [An HON. MEMBER: "Coward."]