§ Mr. GINNELLI beg to ask the Under-Secretary for Foreign Affairs a question, of which I have given private notice, namely: Whether any list of British subjects in the Austrian Empire so far accounted for includes the name of Miss Mary Elizabeth Tier, with whose address he has been supplied; and, if not, will he have an inquiry instituted regarding her, and the result communicated at the earliest possible date?
§ The UNDER-SECRETARY of STATE for FOREIGN AFFAIRS (Mr. Acland)Notice of this question has only reached me since questions started; therefore I cannot read the hon. Member a written reply. But the answer is this: No lists of British subjects with whom the United States authorities have got in touch in Austria have yet been communicated to us by them. With regard to the second part of the question, in which the hon. Member asks me to have special inquiries, made about this lady, I must say regretfully but frankly, No, I cannot have special inquiries made about her, or about any other of the very large number of people who are at present in Austria or Germany. Her name, if, as the hon. Member states, it has already been communicated to the Foreign Office, has been placed on the lists which we have sent to the American authorities in Austria. That means that they will do all they can to help her and the other people whose names have been placed on those lists. I am sure that they will do so. But I must state to the hon. Member, as I have stated to every other Member who has applied to me, that I cannot undertake to have special inquiries made with regard to those special persons in whom they are interested. The moment we hear about this lady, or any other person, we will communicate with the relatives as to the exact information we have obtained.