HC Deb 05 August 1914 vol 65 cc1981-2

Ordered, That this day, so soon as the first Order of the Day is read, Mr. Speaker shall put forthwith, with respect to each Class of the Civil Service Estimates, the Question, That this House doth agree with the Committee in all the outstanding Resolutions reported in respect of that Class, and shall then put a like Question with respect to all the Resolutions outstanding in the Estimates for the Navy, the Army, and the Revenue Departments.—[The Prime Minister.]

The CHAIRMAN of WAYS and MEANS (Mr. Whitley)

I beg to move, "That any Private Business set down for consideration at a Quarter-past Eight o'clock this day shall, instead of being taken as provided by the Standing Order (Time for taking Private Business), be taken at the conclusion of Government Business, and shall not be interrupted under any Standing Order of the House, and may be entered upon at any time and, for the purposes of the Order of the House of the 17th of July, shall be deemed to be Government Business."

This Motion proposes that private business, instead of being taken at 8.15, as is customary, shall be taken at the end of Government business. For the convenience of the House, I may say that I do not propose to ask the House to consider the third and fourth Bills on the Paper [London County Council (General Powers) Bill; Glasgow Corporation (Celluloid) Bill]. But the first and second [Wesleyan and General Assurance Society Bill; Glasgow Corporation (Tramways, etc.) Bill] are Bills which has gone through Committees of both Houses, and I think the House will wish that the time and labour which has been spent over those Bills should not be lost even in present circumstances. I propose to ask the House to consider only those two Bills at present.

Question put, and agreed to.

Ordered, That this House will tomorrow resolve itself into a Committee to consider of the Supply to be granted to His Majesty.

Ordered, That the several Estimates presented this day be referred to the Committee of Supply.

Resolved, That this House will tomorrow resolve itself into a Committee to consider of the Ways and Means for raising the Supply to be granted to His, Majesty.—[Mr. Lloyd George.]