13. Mr. EDMUND HARVEYasked the Under-Secretary of State for India whether he is aware that the district magistrate of Dehra Dun recently demanded payment of a security of 500 rupees from the owner of the Cosmopolitan Press on the ground that it had changed its premises from one part of the town to another; and whether he will say under what section of the Press Act a magistrate can take security from a press already in existence upon this ground?
Mr. ROBERTSThe Secretary of State has received no report upon this case, but Section 3 of the Press Act, 1910, read with Section 5 of the Printing Presses and Books Act of 1867 would clearly justify the taking of security from an existing press, the place of which was changed.
§ 4. Mr. KINGasked the Secretary for Foreign Affairs by what instrument, if any, is His Majesty's Government bound to guarantee Belgium against the violation of her neutrality or against any occupation of her territory.
§ Mr. ACLANDThis question was answered by the Secretary of State in his statement in the House of Commons yesterday.
§ Mr. KINGWill the reference and explanation of this instrument be given in the papers which are soon to be laid before the House?
§ Mr. ACLANDI will make that suggestion to my right hon. Friend.