HC Deb 28 April 1914 vol 61 cc1515-6

asked the Postmaster-General what proportion of the sum recommended by the Holt Committee to be added to the wages of postal servants will be added to the wages of women; and what will be the average increase per cent. in wages of men and women employés, respectively?


Of the total immediate annual cost of the revision for all classes except the clerical, 8 per cent. is in respect of female classes. Of the ultimate cost, the percentage is 4½. The total cost represents, for men, an average immediate increase of 4½ per cent. and an average ultimate increase of 8½ per cent., and for women an average immediate and ultimate increase of 4 per cent. The cost of changes in hours of duty has been taken into account in making these calculations.


Can the hon. Gentleman say what proportion of the increase to which he has referred goes to the higher grades of the service and what proportion to the lower grades; and whether the average increase for the whole service is not highly misleading, especially in so far as the lower grades are concerned?

Captain NORTON

It practically all goes to the lower grades—telephonists, telephone learners, and so forth.

40. Mr. TOUCHE

asked how the estimated cost of £640,000 involved in the increase on the total pay and emoluments of all postal and telegraph employés was arrived at, having regard to the fact that many points are still under consideration, and that no decisions had been reached, at the time when the estimate was made, with regard to the minor classes who were not included in the Holt Committee's inquiry; does the estimate include all the concessions to these minor classes; and is it of an accurate character or only a rough calculation?

Captain NORTON

The estimate represents the result of detailed calculations of the financial effect of the revision, except as regards a sum of £10,000, included for concessions, the cost of which it is not possible to estimate with accuracy, and a sum of £25,000 to cover the probable cost of concessions to smaller classes not represented before the Select Committee. Nothing is included in the estimate in respect of the clerical classes, whose pay and conditions of service are to be the subject of further consideration.


Out of that amount, were specific totals allocated to the different classes of workers; if so, can those totals be communicated to us?

Captain NORTON

I believe that that is approximately the case, and I think that they can be communicated.


Are we to understand that no portion of this sum has been allocated to the sorting clerks or sub-postmasters?

Captain NORTON

Oh, no; some has been allotted to them.


Then what does the hon. Gentleman mean by raying that the clerical staff have received none of this remuneration?

Captain NORTON

Sub-postmasters are not usually included in the clerical staff.


How about the sorting clerks?

Captain NORTON

They are not in the clerical staff either.


Will the hon. Gentleman say who are included in the clerical staff?

Captain NORTON

First, second, and third-class clerks.


asked what is the approximate total increase in wages under the Holt Report that will accrue to postmen of all grades?

Captain NORTON

The total increase for postmen, including increase in overtime payments and in pension charges, is estimated at £170,000 in the first year and at £386,000 a year ultimately.