HC Deb 28 April 1914 vol 61 c1517
39 and 76. Mr. STANIER

asked (1) who is actually making the new cable which is to be laid between England and Holland; whether there was any clause in the agreement between the two countries as to where the cable was to be made; and why it is not being made in this country; and (2) whether there is any manufacturer in Holland that can make a cable suitable to fulfil the requirements of the Postmaster-General for the new cable which is to be laid between this country and Holland: and how many are there in this country who could have made it?

Captain NORTON

The telephone cable which is to be laid between England and Holland at the joint cost of the two Governments is being manufactured by Messrs. Siemens Brothers and Company in this country. The placing of the contract was left by the Dutch Administration to my Department. Four leading cable manufacturers in this country were invited to tender, and two tenders were received. I am not aware that there is a cable manufacturer in Holland who could have complied with the specification.