HC Deb 27 April 1914 vol 61 cc1317-8

asked the Post master-General if he is aware that in July, 1912, an inquiry was held and the names of subscribers collected with a view to the establishment of a telephone service between Langport, North Curry, and Taunton; that the names of such subscribers have been on the telephone new directory since Christmas, 1912, but that no service has been established between the places named; and whether he will arrange that immediate steps be taken to establish such service?

Captain NORTON

The Langport exchange will be opened, I hope, within the next throe weeks. Thus far, the support forthcoming at North Curry is not sufficient to justify the establishment of an exchange there, but further inquiry will be made. I regret that through an oversight the names of the five residents who have offered to become subscribers at North Curry were inserted in the telephone directory. They will be omitted from the next issue if there is no likelihood of an exchange being provided at an early date.