HC Deb 23 April 1914 vol 61 cc1075-6

asked the Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs whether he is aware of the fact that the determination of Russia to provide herself with extensive and permanent barrack accommodation in the Azerbaijan province is causing anxiety in Persia; has he any official information to the effect that the recall of Russian troops from Persia was intended to be temporary, and took place because of the lack of barrack accommodation; and has he received any confirmation of the alleged promise of the Russian Minister at Teheran to the effect that Russian troops shall be withdrawn from Persia after the coronation of the Shah?


The answers to parts one and two of the question are in the negative. As regards the last part, I would refer the hon. Member to the answer which my right hon. Friend gave him on the 26th ultimo, to which, at present, I have nothing to add.


May we take it that it is still the intention of the Russian Government to withdraw the whole of their expeditionary force from Persia?


Yes, I hope so.


asked whether the Russian Government has decided to subsidise a line of fast steamers to run between Odessa and the Persian Gulf ports; does this indicate an increased interest on the part of Russia in the South of Persia; is there a likelihood of Russian war vessels being sent into the Persian Gulf on the ground of a necessity to protect Russian commerce from attacks by pirates; and does the letter from Sir Edward Grey to Sir A. Nicholson, dated the Foreign Office, 29th August, 1907, still represent accurately the policy of His Majesty's Government and the assent of the Russian Government to that policy?


The answers to the first and last parts of the question are in I he affirmative, and I have no means for forming a reply to the other two parts of it.

Sir J. D. REES

Is it the opinion of the Secretary of State that this action is within the spirit of the limitation of spheres' of influence under the Russian Convention?


As the hon. Gentleman asks if that is the opinion of the Secretary of State, I shall be glad if he will put down a question for Tuesday, when he will be here.

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