HC Deb 22 April 1914 vol 61 cc916-7
43. Mr. F. HALL (Dulwich)

asked the Postmaster-General if a Protestant storekeeper was some time ago appointed postmaster at Glenfarne, county Leitrim; if, owing to the opposition raised by the Roman Catholics in the district, a Post Office clerk was detailed to act temporarily as postmaster; if, ultimately, another person was appointed; on whose report or advice this action was taken; and if he will lay upon the Table the Papers relating to the matter?

Captain NORTON

The appointment of sub-postmaster at Glenfarne was recently conferred on the manager of a provision store who was considered to be the most suitable of the applicants for the vacant position, but he subsequently declined the appointment and, pending the selection of another candidate, it was necessary to send a sorting clerk and telegraphist to take charge of the office. A fresh appointment has now been made. The case has received exhaustive consideration, both locally and at headquarters, and I am satisfied that, in the circumstances, the best arrangements possible have been made. I consider it unnecessary to lay upon the Table the relative Papers.


Is the House to understand that there is no truth in the allegation in the question I have put that the opposition was raised by the Roman Catholics of the district?

Captain NORTON

We know of no religious persuasion in the Post Office.


May I ask the hon. Gentleman if the Post Office has made inquiry as to why the man they appointed was not allowed to carry on, if the man was denounced by the local association of the Order of Hibernians and the United Irish League, who allowed no business to be done in Glenfarne while he was there, and if then the Post Office surrendered to the Order?

Captain NORTON

We made full inquiries, and the man who originally accepted the appointment was a servant of the man who held the premises who declined to allow him to continue in the office.


Was the man first appointed a Protestant, and were public resolutions not passed and printed in the newspapers denouncing the appointment on the sole ground that he was a Protestant?

Captain NORTON

I have already stated that we make no inquiry into the religion of a man.


May I ask if the House is to understand that no notice is taken of the religious principles of those who apply for the position of postmaster?

Captain NORTON

Certainly. I have already made that statement.


Is the hon. Gentleman aware that the employer of this man, who was appointed, increased his salary in order to induce him to devote his time to his business, and that he had not sufficient time to look after the post office?

Captain NORTON

I am not aware of that.