HC Deb 21 April 1914 vol 61 c734
12. Colonel YATE

asked what sum is spent annually on regimental schools in the Indian Army; what is the pay of schoolmasters; whether any increased Grant has been made in aid of the regimental schools of the Indian Army during the present financial year; and whether the standard of education in the Indian Army is considered satisfactory?


The cost of regimental schools in the Indian Army is not shown separately in the accounts of the Government of India, and information is not available as to whether the Grant for 1914–15 has been increased. The pay of civilian schoolmasters varies from Rs. 20 to Rs. 25 per mensem, according to qualifications. Soldiers if so employed get Rs. 7 extra duty pay. The Secretary of State is not aware that the standard of education is considered other than satisfactory by the Government of India.

Colonel YATE

Will the hon. Gentleman take steps to find out whether any increased Grants will be given to the Indian Army in respect of schools this year or not?


I understand that is so, but I merely stated that we have no information whether the Grants have been increased.

Colonel YATE

Will the hon. Gentleman kindly inquire?