HC Deb 14 April 1914 vol 61 c17
37. Mr. HOARE

asked how many young persons were convicted in 1910–11, 1911–12, and 1912–13; how many were committed to short terms of imprisonment; how many were placed on probation; and how many of those placed on probation broke their recognisances?


The number of young persons—that is, persons between fourteen and sixteen years of age—convicted summarily and on indictment was 2,146 in 1910, 1,976 in 1911, and 2,267 in 1912. These figures do not include young persons convicted summarily of non-indictable offences in pursuance of a summons, in regard to whom no age statistics are available. The total numbers of young persons received into prison under sentence were 51, 21, and 40. The numbers placed on probation were 1,868, 1,722, and 2,071; I have no information as to how many of these broke their recognisances.