HC Deb 14 April 1914 vol 61 cc7-8

I beg to ask the Under-Secretary of State for India a question, of which I have given him private notice: Whether he can give the House any information regarding the outrages committed by a fanatic at Tonk on the 12th April?


The Secretary of State has received the following by telegram from the Viceroy, dated 13th April:— I regret to have to report that a Mahsud who, it is said, was orderly to the Political Agent at Wana, Major George Dodd, ran amok and shot this officer and also Lieutenant G. W. C. Hickie, R.G A., and Captain G. B. Brown. Captain Brown and Lieutenant Hickie have since died of their wounds. Major Dodd, who was hit in the left thigh, is progressing favourably. The constabulary turned out and shot the Mahsud, after losing one man wounded and two killed. These are the only particulars yet to hand. The Secretary of State profoundly regrets the loss of two valuable officers and of the men who were killed in the discharge of their duty; and he greatly sympathises with Major Dodd in the injuries which he has sustained. The crime appears to have been the result of an isolated outbreak of fanaticism, and has no political significance.

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