HC Deb 29 May 1913 vol 53 c317
42. Mr. BARNES

asked the Postmaster-General, if he is aware that adult men are being increasingly employed as temporary sorters, some for several months at a time and then replaced by others, at the Glasgow post office at a wage of 20s. per week, one man at 18s. per week, and a few, who have been employed for seven months, at 24s. per week; and is he prepared to pay a minimum of 24s. per week to temporary men on increased efficiency and length of service?


It is the general practice in the Post Office to pay temporary sorters nineteen years of age or over, the rate of pay recommended by the Select Committee of 1907 for a sorting clerk and telegraphist of nineteen; at Glasgow this rate works out at 20s. a week. The officer receiving 18s. a week is doubtless less than nineteen years of age. The few temporary officers who are receiving 24s. a week are men who were originally engaged for work during the Christmas season when exceptional rates are allowed, and their pay was not reduced. An addition to the established staff at Glasgow has recently been authorised, and I hope it will shortly be possible to dispense with the casual assistance now employed.