HC Deb 29 May 1913 vol 53 cc304-5
11. Captain CRAIG

asked whether on 2nd May the Dublin police seized in Sackville Street an advertising van, the property of the National Council of Sinn Fein, on which were displayed placards asking persons before joining the British Army to inquire why there were so many deserters, why so many ex-soldiers die in the workhouse, and why so many suicides, and, before enlisting, to read "Ireland and the British Army," by O, to be had at 6, Harcourt Street, and, before joining the Army or Navy, to write for accurate information to 6, Harcourt Street; whether the right hon. Gentleman is aware that No. 6, Harcourt Street is the headquarters of the Sinn Fein party; and whether the van was seized because it violated the corporation by-laws by exceeding the dimensions permitted for such vehicles, or whether it was seized as the result of the nature of the posters?


On the date named the police observed a boy between thirteen and fourteen years of age driving a donkey and cart bearing placards of the character described. The cart exceeded the limit of size prescribed by the police regulations for advertising vans. The cart was therefore taken to the police station where it was measured, the placards removed, and the boy with his donkey and cart allowed to go. The house, No. 6, Harcourt Street, is understood to be the headquarters of the Sinn Fein party.

Captain CRAIG

May I ask the right hon. Gentleman whether, if those who circulate this literature, bring the van within the limits laid down by the corporation, it will still be allowed to go about the country displaying this kind of notices?


I think we had better await that.