HC Deb 08 May 1913 vol 52 c2226
69. Colonel YATE

asked whether, considering the fact that a joint annuity of £300 has been granted to the mother and sisters of Captain Scott in addition to the pension and annuity to Lady Scott and her son, that a joint annuity of £300 a year has been granted to the widow and sister-in-law of Dr. Wilson, and that a pension and annuity amounting to £67 12s. per annum, in addition to 3s. a week for each child, has been granted to the widow of Petty-officer Evans, the Under-Secretary for India will take the necessary steps to secure more generous treatment for the widow and sisters of Lieutenant Bower, of the Royal Indian Marine, who have only been granted by the Government of India pensions amounting in all to £100 per annum, a sum hardly more than what Lieutenant Bower himself would have been entitled to had he been simply invalided out of the Service?


The hon. and gallant Member is mistaken in thinking that Lieutenant Bower left a widow. The pensions have been granted to his mother and sisters. They are in excess of what would have been admissible under either Naval or Indian Regulations in the case of an officer of his standing killed in action; and they more than satisfy the Prime Minister's promise regarding the provision to be made from public revenues for dependent relatives.

Colonel YATE

May I ask whether this £100 has been granted to the mother and sisters conjointly or in equal shares, and will the whole sum be continued to the last survivor or what?


It is given conjointly.

Colonel YATE

Will the whole £100 be continued to the last survivor?


I am not quite sure now, but I will let the hon. Gentleman know in the course of the day.