HC Deb 08 May 1913 vol 52 cc2211-3
27. Mr. F. HALL

asked the rates of pay of police-constables in the Metropolitan Police, the City of London police, and in Bradford, Sheffield, and Bristol respectively?


The pay of a police-constable in the Metropolitan Police commences at 27s. a week and rises by annual increments of 1s. to 35s. a week; in addition to this there is a rent aid of 1s. 6d., 2s., or 2s. 6d. a week, and coal money; and an extra 1s. 6d. a week as reserve pay for a large proportion of the older constables, and 7s. a week for officers serving in public Departments. In the City of London the scale runs from 28s. 6d. to 41s. 6d. In Bradford the scale has just been increased and is now from 28s. to 39s., but the last figure is given only after twenty years' service. In Sheffield the scale is from 27s. to 36s., and in Bristol from 27s. to 35s. In comparing the scales it is important to note that a Metropolitan police-constable reaches his maximum after eight years' service, while in the provincial forces mentioned it takes fifteen or twenty years to reach the maximum.


Is the minimum period fifteen years in the provinces for the maximum amount to be arrived at?


I could not say whether it is the minimum, but the ordinary period is fifteen to twenty years before the maximum is reached.


Is there any reason why 2s. 6d. is allowed in aid of rent on the north side and only 1s. 6d. to 2s. on the south side of the river?


It depends on the amount paid for rent.


That means that rent on the south side is cheaper than rent on the north side?


I believe that to be the case, but I could not say.


Will the right hon. Gentleman give further consideration to the question in order to correct the amount in aid of the rent?


The hon. Member should give notice. His question has been answered fully.

28 and 29. Mr. F. HALL

asked the Secretary of State for the Home Department (1) if he will consider as to arranging for such increases in pay of the members of the Metropolitan Police force as will bring the rates up to the level of the best rates obtaining in the provinces; and (2) if, as the result of conferences of local authorities in different parts of the country, the rates of pay of policemen in the provinces have been increased to rates exceeding those obtaining in the case of the Metropolitan Police force, although the cost of living in the London area is considerably higher; and if he has under consideration any proposal to improve the rate of pay of the Metropolitan Police correspondingly, particularly in view of the arduous and special character of the duties falling upon the London force?


The pay of the Metropolitan Police was increased less than two years ago, and following on this increase in the Metropolis there has been a similar improvement in the rates of pay of a large number of provincial police forces. The Metropolitan Police have also just obtained the weekly rest day, which is equivalent to a further increase of pay, and has entailed a heavy charge on the Metropolitan ratepayer. I am the last person to overlook the claims and needs of the Metropolitan Police, and I should be sorry to reduce their pay and privileges to the level of even the best of the provincial forces.

Colonel YATE

Does the right hon. Gentleman consider that eight years is a good term of service in which to reach the maximum, and one which is apt to make the men content?


That does not arise out of this question. The hon. Member should have related that supplementary question to the last answer.

Colonel BURN

In view of the action of the militant suffragettes, which has the result that so many constables do not get their rest on Sundays, will it be made up to them later on?


That does not arise out of the question.


Do all the police officers now get one day's rest in seven?


That does not arise. If the hon. Member attaches importance to a question of the sort, the least he can do is to put it down on the Paper.