HC Deb 05 May 1913 vol 52 c1673
67. Mr. BRADY

asked the Postmaster-General whether, if the cost of extending the underground telegraphic wires to Holyhead is still held to be prohibitive, he will favourably consider, when any increase of the present telegraphic facilities is contemplated, the proposal to lay a submarine cable from Liverpool to Dublin to be used when the Holyhead overground route is not available by reason of storm or other causes?


I do not at present see any probability of an increase in the number of telegraph cables between England and Ireland becoming necessary, but if and when such increase should be required, the possibility will be considered of laying a cable to Ireland from some point which could without great expense be connected with the main underground line. It would be impracticable to lay a cable from Liverpool, because the mouth of the river is more or less blocked by shifting sands in which dredgers are constantly at work, and moreover, vessels very frequently drop anchor outside the bar as well as in the river.