HC Deb 05 May 1913 vol 52 cc1650-1
29. Major HOPE

asked the right hon. Gentleman whether Scottish Parliamentary burghs with a population of less than 20,000 have no direct representation on county insurance committees; and whether, in view of the financial burden which may be placed on ratepayers of these burghs for medical and sanatorium benefit, he will instruct the Insurance Commissioners to arrange that representatives from these burghs should be members of the county insurance committees in order to voice the interests of the burghs in all questions affecting medical and sanatorium benefit?


The Commissioners have no power to vary the provisions of Section 59 of the National Insurance Act with regard to the constitution of insurance committees in the manner suggested in the question. The Scottish burghs with a population of less than 20,000 are represented in the county councils, which appoint, one-fifth of the members of the insurance committees, and their representatives thus have a voice in the appointment of representatives to these committees. The insur- ance committees have no power to render the rates liable for any expenditure except with the express agreement of the local authorities; and Section 22 (1) of the Act provides that a burgh by itself undertaking any excess expenditure properly attributable to the burgh may protect itself against bearing an undue proportion of the sums payable by the county council.

Major HOPE

Cannot a direct representative be appointed by the Insurance Commissioners under Section 59, Sub-section (3), so as to give the burghs direct representation on the county insurance committees?


Then there would not be direct representation of the burghs. The Insurance Commissioners can appoint any men who they think are suitable for the work of the insurance committees. I certainly could not make any promise that the insurance committees would limit themselves to representatives of the burghs.

Major HOPE

Could not the Insurance Commissioners ask the burgh councils to nominate members?


I should be very sorry, when there is no restriction of that sort in the Act, by Regulation to make a restriction which was not contemplated when the Act was passed.