HC Deb 01 May 1913 vol 52 cc1345-7
6. Captain CRAIG

asked what is the number of teachers dismissed by the Rev. Walter Conway, P.P., during the period he has held office as manager of the national schools at Carraroe, West Galway, and Glenamaddy, in North Galway; whether he was for a time suspended as the manager of the schools at Carraroe as the result of an official inquiry; what was the charge made against him at this inquiry and under what circumstances was he reinstated; and whether a number of teachers, and, if so, how many, have resigned during his period of office as manager, and what reasons were given for their resignations?


The Commissioners of National Education inform me that the Rev. W. Conway, P.P., has been recognised as a national school manager in the districts mentioned for thirty years. During that period thirty-nine teachers of schools under his management left. In twenty-three cases there is no official record of the cause, in four cases the teachers retired on pension, in three cases salary was withdrawn by the Commissioners, and in nine cases the manager dismissed the teachers for inefficiency. Mr. Conway was not suspended from his office as manager, but in 1895, as the result of an official inquiry, the Commissioners expressed their disapprobation of his action in regard to an agreement with one of his teachers, and in failing to prevent or detect misrepresentations in official returns made by teachers in schools under his management.


asked how many trained assistant teachers are at the maximum salary of the third grade; what incentive for efficient work is to be offered by the Commissioners to these; how many assistants have been promoted to the second grade since the inquiry began; and what qualifications are required for promotion to the second grade or how many very good or excellent reports must he have to entitle him to promotion?


The Commissioners of National Education inform me that 721 trained assistant teachers are at the maximum salary of the third grade. The Commissioners are of opinion that assistant teachers are as a body quite efficient, and that the provisions made in their rules for the promotion of assistants beyond the third grade, and for increases of their salaries when appointed as principal teachers are incentives to continued efficiency. Seventy-eight assistant teachers were promoted since August, 1912, and there are nine or ten other cases under consideration at present. With regard to the last paragraph of the question I would refer the hon. Member to the reply given to a somewhat similar question asked by the hon. Member for West Kerry on the 13th January last.


asked the Chief Secretary if he has seen a resolution passed by the Wexford Teachers' Association urging the necessity of increasing the Imperial Grant for primary education and claiming equality of treatment with Scotland in this respect; and whether he will take action in the matter?


The hon. Member has been good enough to send me a copy of the resolution in question. As I have frequently stated, no accurate comparison can be drawn between the Grants for primary education in Scotland and Ireland. The claims of primary education in Ireland will continue to receive my most careful consideration.