HC Deb 01 May 1913 vol 52 cc1354-5
22. Captain CRAIG

asked the Chief Secretary whether he is aware that a man named Butler, in the employment of Mr. A. G. Archer, of Ballinacor, Rathdrum, county Wicklow, who changed his religion and became a Protestant a short time ago, was on Sunday, 6th April, when attending divine service for the first time in the Protestant church, assaulted, boohed, and shouted at; that Mr. Archer, his employer, has been refused the hire of a horse (which he has constantly used) if Butler was allowed to drive it; that, on the night of 10th April, Mr. Archer's house was fired into and pellets of shot penetrated into the nursery where Mr. Archer's children and the governess were sleeping; and that the windows of the nursery and glass in the conservatory were smashed by shot; whether anyone has been brought to justice for intimidating Butler and for the outrage on Mr. Archer's children; and what steps are being taken to protect Mr. Archer, his children, and the man Butler in his employment?


The police authorities inform me that Butler was not interfered with when attending church, but he complained of being hooted on the following day, and also said that he had been struck by a fellow workman. Mr. Archer was refused the hire of a horse, and shots were fired at his house as stated. The house is now being protected by patrols, and Butler is also protected when he goes away from the house. The police are pursuing their inquiries, but so far have not been able to make any arrests.


Is it not a fact that Catholic and Protestant live in perfect harmony together in this district, a state of affairs very different from the state of affairs in North-East Ulster?

Captain CRAIG

Is this a good sample of living in peace and tolerance?


I can only state such facts as are reported to me in this case. It is certainly very extraordinary from Rathdrum, one of the most civilised spots on the face of the earth.

Captain CRAIG

Will the right hon. Gentleman deny the statements made in the question?


No, Sir. I have already stated that he was not interfered with whilst attending church, but was hooted the day after.

Captain CRAIG

Was he not shot at?


No, he was not shot at, but pellets were shot at the house of his employer.


Is it not a fact that the man returned to his ancient religion, and the cause of any transgression at all was on account of a girl?