HC Deb 19 March 1913 vol 50 c1023
23. Mr. TOUCHE

asked where the cables for the electrical installations at Bordon Camp, the Curragh Camp, and at Cairo, were manufactured?


The external (street-mains) and interior (house wiring) cables were manufactured as follows:—Bordon Camp (external), none used; the Aluminium bare conductors were made in England (interior), Pressburg and Eschweiler. Curragh Camp (external), Lausanne (interior), London; Cairo (external and interior), London.

24. Mr. TOUCHE

asked whether any of the cable used at Bordon Camp has been tested after twelve months' use, and, if so, with what result; and what is the number and extent of faults which have developed since the installation was erected?


The house wiring at Bordon is not yet twelve months old. The usual tests on completion of actual work were quite satisfactory. No faults have developed in the house wiring since it was done. There were, however, certain failures in the bare overhead outdoor conductors, due to wind contact, which have since been remedied.