HC Deb 19 March 1913 vol 50 cc1035-6

asked if the embargo on British live stock still exists in any country; if so, which, and when it is likely to be removed; and which countries require a permit from the Board?


asked with what importing countries other than Argentina he has succeeded in arranging for a reduction of the period of embargo hitherto imposed upon British live stock for six months after the most recent outbreak of foot-and-mouth disease or for a reduction of the area in Great Britain from within which live stock are subjected to such embargo?


The countries which still prohibit the importation of British live stock are Argentina and Uruguay, Canada, the Falkland Islands, and France (with exceptions in special cases). Germany, South Africa, and the United States have already withdrawn entirely the prohibition imposed in consequence of the epidemic of foot-and-mouth disease last year, and since 10th February the prohibition of importation into Australia has been restricted to animals which during the preceding twelve months have been within fifteen miles of an infected place. I understand that export to Canada and the Falkland Islands may be resumed very shortly. The only countries which require in normal circumstances animals to be accompanied by a permit from the Board are Argentina, France, and Uruguay.


asked whether, in view of the importance to breeders of pedigree stock in the West of England of the customary sales to foreign and Colonial purchasers of pedigree stock at the annual summer show of the Bath and West of England and Southern Counties Society, he will arrange with the Argentine Government for the withdrawal of the existing embargo upon British live stock prior to the 27th May, upon which day this year's show of the society will open at Truro?


I regret that I can add nothing at present to the answer which I gave to the hon. Gentleman on Monday.


Is the right hon. Gentleman aware that the Council of the Bath and West of England Society have to-day unanimously passed a resolution urging him to do his best to obtain the opening of Argentine ports before the date of their show, 27th May?


I have been continuously in communication with the Argentine Government on the subject for about three months past, and I regret that up to the present I have not been able to obtain a more favourable date than 10th June for the re-opening of their ports.