HC Deb 13 March 1913 vol 50 cc400-1

asked the Chancellor of the Exchequer whether he is aware that dissatisfaction exists in the North of Scotland with the decision of the Insurance Commissioners not to exempt share fishermen; whether, before that decision was taken, inquiries were made, in accordance with Part II. (k) of the First Schedule of the National Insurance Act, as to the custom prevailing at each port; and, if so, whether, in the case of each port, steps were taken, and, if so, what steps, to ascertain the wishes of the fisherment as to exemption or inclusion?


I am informed by the Scottish Insurance Commissioners that they have made full inquiries into the position of share fishermen throughout Scotland, and that where applications have been received for the issue of special Orders under Part II. (k) of the First Schedule to the Act special investigations have been made of the circumstances of the employment in the particular ports referred to in the applications. The Commissioners are not aware that there is dissatisfaction among share fishermen in the North of Scotland, but if any cases are brought to their notice they are prepared to have them investigated.


Would the Treasury ask the Commissioners to reopen the question, and, if necessary, not to press for the arrears?


I will communicate with my hon. Friend.