HC Deb 30 June 1913 vol 54 c1464
18. Mr. FREDERICK HALL (Dulwich)

asked if the regulations as to the management of Hyde Park preclude its use for operations by mounted troops; if so, whether the regulations have ever been waived; if so, on what occasions; and whether the regulations made by the Office of Works for the control of places under its direction apply to Government Departments as well as to the general public?


The rules for Hyde Park provide that no unauthorised person may drill; permission is not granted for mounted troops to use the park for their operations, and no exception is made. The rules for the Royal Parks and open spaces in the charge of the Office of Works apply in practice to Government Departments as well as the general public.


Have not mounted troops at any time been used in the park?


Not to perform operations, but there have been on occasions mounted troops camping there.