HC Deb 26 June 1913 vol 54 cc1220-2
68. Captain FABER

asked the President to the Board of Education whether the Buttocks Heath school dispute is now settled, and, if not, whether he will now have an inquiry made into the case with a view to a satisfactory settlement; whether any compensation has been made to Miss Watts, and, if so, what; and whether she has obtained another post as schoolmistress?


I am at present in communication with the local education authority and am not yet in a position to make any statement on the matter, but on the facts at present before me I am doubtful whether I have any power to intervene. I have no information on the subject of compensation, and this is not a matter with which the Board are concerned. I have received no notice of Miss Watts' appointment to a post in any other public elementary school.

Captain FABER

May I ask the right hon. Gentleman whether Miss Watts has obtained another place, and whether the headmaster who was responsible for the dispute is still in Buttocks Heath school?


I understand that Miss Watts is teaching in a private school, and so far as I know efficient education is being given in that school. I do not know anything with regard to the other question of the hon. Member.


Is it a fact that the school in which this teacher is teaching is one provided by private persons independently of the education authority, and can the right hon. Gentleman not see his way to take up this case in which the future of this young lady is concerned?


I am not concerned with a private venture school of the character which I understand is adopted in this particular case, and I only got the intimation from the same source probably as the hon. Member that this is a private venture school which is being run by the parents of the children who were formerly at the provided schools.


At their expense or at the expense of the local authority?


I have no information as to who pays the expense, but it certainly is not at the expense of the public authorities.

Captain FABER

Will the right hon. Gentleman let me know when he has any information?


Yes. I will either publicly or privately communicate with the hon. Member.


Will the right hon. Gentleman not communicate with the House, and not privately with the hon. Member?


Yes, if a settlement can be arrived at publicly I shall not hesitate, but I must use my own discretion if I think that a more satisfactory arrangement can be made by a private communication.