HC Deb 25 June 1913 vol 54 cc1062-4

asked the Postmaster-General if there is no direct telegraphic communication between Gorey and Wexford, thirty-five miles apart in the same county, and that telegrams from Gorey to Wexford have first to be sent sixty miles to Dublin and then ninety-five miles back to Wexford, resulting in considerable loss of time and to errors in transmission; and if he will arrange for direct telegraphic communication between Gorey and Wexford as speedily as possible?


The number of telegrams (about eight a day) between Gorey and Wexford does not warrant the expense of providing direct communication, and Dublin is the best transmitting centre for such telegrams. I am not aware of any considerable loss of time or of errors resulting from such transmission, and I shall be glad if the hon. Member will be so good as to send me full particulars of any such cases.


asked the Postmaster-General whether on 5th June, Captain Bell, a resident at Bishopsbourne, near Canterbury, sent a telegram from Bishopsbourne Station, addressed to James Crowhurst, Veterinary, Canterbury, which, owing to what was described by the postmaster at Canterbury as an unfortunate oversight on the part of the messenger, was not delivered to the addressee, but to his brother, Mr. W. H. Crowhurst, although the messenger must have passed Mr. James Crowhurst's door before doing so; that Mr. James Crowhurst has practised as a veterinary surgeon in Canterbury for more than forty years and constantly receives letters and telegrams addressed as was the telegram in question; that the telegram was sent for the purpose of procuring his attendance on a Jersey cow belonging to Captain Bell valued at £20, which was suffering from milk fever, and which died in consequence of the delay in obtaining veterinary attendance caused by the non-delivery of the telegram; and whether he is prepared to compensate the owner of the cow for the loss occasioned by the negligence of the Post Office officials?

Captain NORTON

I am having inquiry made, and will inform the hon. Member of the result.


asked the Postmaster-General whether he will consider the possibility of arranging that the sender of a telegram should be able, by payment of an additional fee, to ensure delivery of his telegram on arrival, even in cases where it arrives at a village office after 8 p.m. or on a Sunday?

Captain NORTON

There is already an arrangement—set forth on page 94 of the Post Office Guide—under which the sender of a telegram can by payment of an additional fee secure the delivery of his telegram after the office of destination is closed provided the attention of the postmaster or other officer at such office can be obtained.