HC Deb 17 June 1913 vol 54 cc193-4
18. Captain FABER

asked the Secretary of State for War whether the eight machines recently purchased by the War Office and which were second-hand were included in the list which he gave of aeroplanes ready to fly and effective for war purposes; whether the list was as follows: A modern 80 horse-power Henry Farman biplane, two experimental Henry Farman biplanes of a type which has since been abandoned, one old 50 horse-power school biplane used for tuition for two years past, one 35 horse-power experimental biplane, one 80 horse-power British-built Farman biplane of experimental type, one 60 horse-power British-built biplane of experimental typo designed for a hydroaeroplane, one 70 horse-power Nieuport monoplane three years old; whether only one of these, the first-named, can be reckoned an effective machine; and whether, with, two exceptions, these machines have since been condemned, whilst of those two the 80 horse-power biplane is being re-built whilst the other, the monoplane, had already been condemned by the Government monoplane committee?

Colonel SEELY

The hon. and gallant Gentleman is apparently alluding to a purchase of seven machines which was the subject of a question put by the hon. Gentleman the Member for the Wirral Division on the 4th instant. I have nothing at present to add to the information which I gave in reply to that question.

Captain FABER

Will the right hon. Gentleman say how many of these machines are able to be flown to-day?

Colonel SEELY

I will refer the hon. Gentleman to the reply I have already given on that point. I think that he will be able to ascertain there all that he wants to know.

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